
47 walks ticked

This Year

Number of Walks Ticked
Total Distance Ticked

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Number of Walks Ticked
Total Distance Ticked
Name Date Difficulty Distance/Duration
Warrie Circuit (Springbrook National Park)
9 Jan, 2023
17km return
5 hrs
Today I hiked the picturesque Warrie Circuit which you will find up at Springbrook ⛰

I tend to start from Canyon Lookout and head in a clockwise direction.
From here you will descend through lush, green rainforest with glorious ancient old tree's 🌴
You will rock hop over creek crossings, top's of waterfalls that appear to drop off the edge of the world 🌏 through cave's, behind absolutely glorious waterfalls before you start to head back up the mountain with switchbacks, stairs and more waterfalls 🏞

Today I hiked close to 19 km's taking around 6 hour's.

The circuit is easy to follow with a well trodden trail and signage really quite good all the way around the circuit.

This isn't a strenuous hike but is rated moderately challenging. You do need the stamina to get back up the mountain as you will find big warning signs letting you know exactly how steep it is to hike back up out of the valley 🌿

Just make sure you do your research before setting out and make sure you have plenty of water 💧

This truly is a magical experience and if you are up for it, you honestly won't be disappointed.

Enjoy 🙏💕

Insta:- hikes_boots_dustytracks
Box Forest (Lamington National Park)
4 Jan, 2023
5 hrs
If you are after an easy hike around the 11km mark through ancient old rainforest, tree's as big as giant's and some stunning waterfalls........well I have the perfect hike for you!

Box Forest Circuit is found in the Green Mountain Section of the Lamington National Park.

This hike is pretty well signed and the path is well trodden 🥾

I personally hike this one in a clockwise direction and exit the circuit via Picnic Rock 🏞

This 11km hike will take you deep into an ancient old majestic forest 🌳
The sound of bird's can be heard from up in the treetops as sunlight dancer's through the canopy while the thundering sound of the waterfalls gets louder as you wind your way gradually downwards 🍂

You will hike through some lush rainforest, rock hop over running creek's while passing a number of picturesque waterfalls including Box Log Fall's, Darragumai Fall's, Yanbacoochie Fall's and one of the most photographed falls in the Lamington that you will come across, Elabana Fall's 📸

This is yet another of Mother Natures finest that I hope you all experience for yourself 🌬

Enjoy 🙏💕

Insta:- hikes_boots_dustytracks
Larapinta Falls (Lamington National Park)
31 Dec, 2022
15km return
5 hrs
This hike will have you hiking through the glorious rainforest of Lamington National Park and rock hopping up Christmas Creek.

You will pass Westray Grave where Jim Westray is remembered who after surviving the Stinson plane crash, set off into the dense rainforest to find help, unfortunately died while trying to do so.

From this spot you will continue rock hopping over moss covered slippery boulders, sliding down muddy slopes, crawling under and over fallen giant tree's, trying to dodge Gympie-Gympie while finding leeches have found your blood delicious to drink until you reach this absolutely breathtaking waterfall right in front of you through the lush green rainforest.

This hike is not easy and not for the faint hearted.

Larapinta Fall's is nothing but stunningly breathtaking and has you bursting with sheer awe and gratitude at our spectacular backyard

Insta:- hikes_boots_dustytracks
Upper Portals (Mt Barney National Park)
24 Dec, 2022
3.5 hrs
To access the Upper Portal's of Mt Barney a 4WD is definitely needed.
The last 4km's up to Cleared Ridge does head straight up a dirt road along the side of a spur with quite a steep climb 🛻

This is a great easy track to hike as it is mainly a wide fire trail.
All up we hiked around 10.5 km's 🥾

You will pass through some scrub, glorious open fields with wild flower's where butterflies and dragonflies flutter around 🦋 onto a beautiful pine forest and when you get closer to crossing Yamahra Creek, the sound of bird song's ring out from overhead as your scenery changes to more of a rainforest 🌿

You will cross over the creek several time's before rock hopping across the glorious spot where Mount Barney Creek and Yamahra Creek meet. Here you will see a foot pad across the creek that will take you to the start of the Upper Portals 🏞
From here you can find a faint track across the creek again leading up and over the right side of the rock's that will lead you down to the lower part of the portals.

Even though this is an easy hike, we do believe you need some previous hiking experience as this hike has very minimal sign posting along the way. Or if you do believe you are up for it, please do your research on track notes on how to get to the Portals and some sort of GPS to keep you on track 🧭 The phone reception is very sketchy out here ☎️

The hill at the end of the hike heading back to your start point is definitely a thigh and butt burner and will definitely have you thinking that it just keeps going on and on and ON

Another glorious hike to rock hop, swim and explore this part of such a majestic mountain in our glorious Scenic Rim.

Enjoy 🙏💕

Insta:- hikes_boots_dustytracks
Ships Stern Circuit (Lamington National Park)
12 Nov, 2022
7 hrs
The Ship's Stern Circuit is a part of the majestic, ancient old forest of The Lamington National Park. You will find this hike on the Binna Burra section of the mountain 🥾

This hike is a long day hike at around 21km's. More if you throw in some little side adventures 🏞
Yesterday was my longest solo hike finishing the day around the 24.5 km mark🏆

I would personally grade this one as a definite moderate hike as it is not overly strenuous but you do need a good level of fitness to complete the 20 + km's and there are definitely some up and down part's throughout that get the old heart pumping.
I was pretty buggered by the end of the hike 🥴

This hike will take you through some lush, green rainforest 🌿 palm groves 🌴 open eucalypt forest 🌾 plunging cliffs, mighty ranges, moss garden's, sparkling waterfalls with spectacular view's 👀 overlooking Turtle Rock, down into the Numinbah Valley, Hinze Dam and out to Mt Warning ⛰️

This hike is really quite exquisite that I would recommend experiencing


Insta:- hikes_boots_dustytracks
Mt Roberts + Lizard Point (Main Range National Park)
4 Oct, 2021
12.2km return
8 hrs
Yesterday we found ourselves hiking Mt Roberts to Lizard Point 🦎

Walking up the old country road to start this hike you will be surrounded by several of the highest Peaks in SE QLD. It is remote, rugged and absolutely stunning country in the very heart of the Scenic Rim 🌄

After pushing through some wild growth you will cross an old wooden bridge over Teviot Brook 🏞
Take note, once you are over the bridge there is Gympie-Gympie on both sides of the track for about 1.5km.
There is a point after the bridge where you can go straight or turn left. PLEASE turn left or you will find yourself slashing your way through thick Gympie-Gympie. There is a couple of arrows carved into the tree at this point trying to point you in the right direction so just keep an eye out 😊

From this point it is SERIOUSLY ALL uphill and just when you think you have made it to the top, you have to go up again 🥴

Firstly we reached the shoulder of Mt Superbus than up again to Mt Roberts and than over towards Lizard Point.

We followed some pink ribbons and ended up off track a couple of time's making us start to run out of daylight hours so we decided to turn around just before Lizard Point to make sure we got back to the truck safely before it got dark 🌛

This hike has been our most challenging to date 🥾 It has absolutely no signage so a gps is definitely needed and please don't follow the pink ribbons 🎀 Personally I found it tough going with all the up hiking and had to stop to rest many time's 😏 Coming back down is also hard on the feet and knee's. And I have never been smacked in the head so many time's by low lying branches and vine's as on this hike 🤦‍♀️🤣

Even though we didn't quite make it this time, I am so very proud of our achievement!

Whatever your adventure
Have fun and stay safe

Instagram:- misslissy79
Albert River Circuit (Lamington National Park)
24 Sep, 2021
21.8km return
7 hrs
If you close your eye's and imagine the early morning crispness on your cheeks, hearing the early morning song's of a Whip Bird as you're greeted with a show and song from a Lyrebird as you feel the warmth from the first ray's of sunshine on your body as they gently filter down through the ancient old Antarctic Beech Tree's as you gradually descend deeper into the rainforest as the sound of waterfalls become louder 🪶🌳🐾
This is just a little of what it felt like to me hiking the Albert River Circuit yesterday 🐌🌄

All up we hiked just under 22km through some magnificent rainforest, beautiful creek crossings, waterfalls and a pretty spectacular view overlooking the low lying valley's of Northern NSW surrounding Mt Warning at Echo Point 👀

This one I would personally rate as moderate.
The track is easy to follow but does turn into a bit of a Billy Goat track in section's with rocks and exposed root's 🐐
The hike itself is nothing too strenuous just long in length 🥾

Definitely a beautiful hike to experience and I can only imagine how much more beautiful it will be after we get some rain ⛈

Whatever your adventures
Stay safe, have fun and enjoy the moments


Instagram:- misslissy79
Cooloola Great Walk (original inland route) (Great Sandy National Park)
7 Sep, 2021
88.1km one-way
5 days
Today we decided to do up our hiking boot's 🥾 and hike just shy of 30km of the Great Walk over on the picturesque Fraser Island 🏝

Today found us starting at Central Station hiking through some World Heritage Rainforest 🌿 passing the beautiful Basin Lake than into the very heart of the island to the magnificent clear glassy water of Lake McKenzie 🏞

Here you will find toilets 🚻
and designated caged area's that are dingo proof 🐕 where you can eat and drink.

From here we went on to Lake Wabby, which I did find the most challenging part of this hike due to many inclines 🥴

Lake Wabby is boarded by a giant sand dune on one side and lush rainforest on the other 🍃

From here we hiked our way back up the giant sand dune 😳 and down to the surf 🌊
Here you will find another toilet block before heading out to the beach 🌞

This was the final leg of our hike where we headed South back down the beach to Eurong where we are staying 🌅

This has been the longest hike we have ever achieved and we were so thankful to get back to our house for a very well deserved wine and a soak in the spa 🥂🍾🛁

Instagram:- misslissy79
Noosa to Sunshine Beach - Coastal Track (Sunshine Coast)
18 Aug, 2021
5.4km one-way
2 hrs
I LOVE winter in Queensland 🌞🌈
And what an absolutely spectacular day we had today hiking the Noosa Heads Coastal Hike 👣

Noosa National Park is a pretty massive 4000 hectares 🌊🍃 With steep cliffs, sparkling turquoise water, tucked away coves, bushland, wildlife and if you are lucky enough dolphins and whale's 🐬🐳 with spot's to stop and have a swim along the way 👙🩳 this one should definitely be put on your bucket list ✅

Today we started from Parkedge Road at Sunshine Beach making just over a 10km circuit 🥾

From here you will make your way down onto Sunshine Beach following the spectacular coastline and passing spots such as Hells Gate (which is a Sandstone cave carved out by pounding waves where the deep valley of the Gates sit on the edge of a headland), Picnic Cove, Tea Tree Bay and Dolphin Bay 🐬 just to name a few.

We enjoyed some rock hopping down to the Fairy Pool's where we were greeted with crystal clear water and some stunning view's out towards Fraser Island 🐟🐠

The track's are easy to follow with fantastic signage the whole way through ↗️
With 5 track's in the park on offer, we do believe there is something for absolutely everyone 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️

Enjoy 🙏💕

Instagram:- misslissy79
Lake Manchester loop (Brisbane Forest park D'Aguilar National Park)
7 Mar, 2021
5 hrs
Lake Manchester is quite a beautiful area 25km West of Brisbane and just a short drive from Ipswich CBD.

The start of this hike is at the Lake Manchester Day Use Area.
Here you will find picnic ground's, bbq's and a toilet block.

I would highly suggest to hike this track clockwise as you won't have so many steep hill's at the end.

This loop is advertised as 17km but today I totalled 18.9km.

This hike will take you along a wide, dirt, slippery fire trail and is fairly well signed.
If you just stay right at the forks and always have the lake on your right, you will be ok.

You have view's of the lake at the start of this hike and towards the end but will mainly pass through hot scrub with not much shade.
I crossed two creek's today and it was lovely to see the scenery change from bush to a bit cooler rainforest.

Around the 5km mark you will pass an old log hut before crossing the first creek at around 6.5km.

There isn't a lot of place's to sit and have a break until you reach a campground at around 11km.

When you start thinking you have absolutely had enough of all the steep hill's another one is thrown at you at around the 14.5km.
A few F 💣's were dropped believe me 😳

Please choose your time of day wisely. This is a very hot bushwalk so please take plenty of water. I drank 2lt. There is no mobile reception so make sure someone knows where you are.

Overall I actually quite enjoyed this hike. It definitely tested my endurance.

Enjoy 🙏💕

Instagram:--- misslissy79
Cronan Creek Falls Track (Mt Barney National Park)
3 Mar, 2021
5 hrs
Cronan Creek Fall's (Secret Fall's) is nestled in some lush rainforest at the end of a picturesque boulder strewn creek 🏞

These fall's get their 'secret' name because Cronan Creek Track does not lead directly to the fall's. To get to the fall's you have to find nearly a hidden little entry way off the main track and make your way through a thicket for about 100m before coming out onto the creek and then a short rock hop to the fall's.

Take the trail from Yellow Pinch Carpark and go through the turn style and head right.
Follow this fire trail straight ahead until you reach a gate with a cattle grid. You will pass beautiful countryside, mountainous view's and an open field that would be just spectacular when the wild flower's are out 🌻

Once through the gate, just keep following the fire trail. There are up and down part's to get the old heart pumping but nothing overly strenuous.

You will have 6 creek crossings to go through that after some rain can be quite deep. We took our boot's off once we were through the gate and put our water shoe's on until we returned back through 👟

Go past two camp site's and when you come to a fork in the trail, vere left. The right trail clearly mark's the way to Mt Barney summit.

When you hit the 6km mark keep an eye out on your left for a green post that mark's the entryway into the fall's.

From here make your way through the jungle and you will come out along the side of the creek. From here rock hop over to the other side and make your way down to the fall's and the amazing swimming hole 🏞

On the way back we detoured up to Yellow Pinch Lookout that gives you spectacular view's of Mt Barney.

We hiked just over 14km taking 5 hour's all up. This was hiking for 3 and swimming and soaking up the beauty of the fall's all to ourselves for 2 🌈

We absolutely loved our hike and would personally rate this one as easy.

Enjoy 🙏💕

Instagram:- misslissy79
Mt. Mathieson Circuit (Main Range National Park)
18 Feb, 2021
3 hrs
Today we hiked the picturesque Mt Matheisen circuit 🥾

You will find this hike about 5km out of Aratula, turn left onto Lake Moogerah Road for another 6km then turn right onto Spicers Gap Road and the National Park entrance is about another 6km up this dirt road. It is suitable for all cars, just be careful in a low clearance vehicle 🚗

Mt Matheisen is a part of the Spicers Gap section of Main Range National Park and is a part of the Gondwana Rainforest's of Australia World Heritage Area.

We parked at Pioneer Graves Picnic Area and the start of the hike is directly across the road.

This circuit includes Mt Matheisen, across the ridge to the heritage trail, over to Governor's Chair and then back down to the picnic area 🦋

Today we hiked just over 9km and took around 2 hours and 20 minutes ⏰

This hike was such a pleasant surprise 🌿🦋🌻⛰

You will encounter scrub, magnificent views of Mt Mitchell and Mt Cordeaux, rainforest, a little rock scrambling and some inclines to get the old heart pumping and leg and bum burn happening 🍑🔥

At the moment this hike is VERY overgrown and we did lose the track at certain points and nearly stood on one snake 🪱 We would personally say that signage is quite poor.

In saying this it made the day a real adventure and who doesn't love an adventure ❣

Overall this hike was such an enjoyable day and definitely recommended

Enjoy 🙏💕

Instagram:- misslissy79
Warrie Circuit (Springbrook National Park)
11 Feb, 2021
17km return
5 hrs
Today we hiked the picturesque Warrie Circuit which you will find up at Springbrook ⛰

If you start from Canyon Lookout, you will descend through lush, green rainforest with glorious ancient old tree's 🌴
You pass over creek crossings, top's of waterfalls that appear to drop off the edge of the world 🌏 through cave's, behind absolutely glorious waterfalls before you start to head back up the mountain with switchbacks, stairs and more waterfalls 🏞

Today we hiked 15.5 km taking 5 hour's.

The circuit is easy to follow but just take care after rain as it is very muddy and slippery 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️

This isn't a strenuous hike but you do need the stamina to get back up the mountain 🥾

This truly is a magical experience

Enjoy 🙏💕

Instagram:- misslissy79
Lower Portals (Mt Barney National Park)
7 Feb, 2021
7.4km return
3 hrs
The Lower Portals are situated at the bottom of Mt Barney ⛰
It is about an hour and 20 minutes from Ipswich and the last few km's are made up of old dirt roads.
I do believe a 2WD would make it through but just take your time and be careful in places 🚗

There are drop toilets at the carpark but please take your rubbish with you 🗑

I would personally say you need a moderate level of fitness for this one 🚶‍♀️

This hike has moderate to steep grading at time's and can become challenging.

Most of this hike is through very exposed Aussie bush making it very hot, dry and dusty with lot's of exposed tree root's 🌞🌵
Wonderful to see the bush coming back after the fire's though 🔥🪴

I hiked 8km today.
Taking about an hour and a half to get in and just over an hour back to the truck 🥾

My suggestion is to go early to beat the heat and the crowd of other hikers especially if you want to have a cheeky little skinny dip 🙊
Take plenty of water and stay hydrated.

By the time you get back to the carpark, you will be wanting another swim!

A pretty magical spot to sit and listen and just breathe it all in 🍃🦋🏞

Will definitely be coming back to this one

Enjoy 🙏💕

Instagram:- misslissy79
Rainforest Circuit (Ravensbourne National Park)
30 Jan, 2021
1.7km return
40 mins
Ravensbourne National Park is situated on a spur of The Great Dividing Range between Esk and Toowoomba.

You will find a few short hikes at the Blackbean Day Use Area.
There is plenty of parking with a beautiful green grassed picnic area and pit toilets that are very well maintained.

Today I put all of these walks together making it into a circuit. I started with the Rainforest Circuit, Palm Creek Circuit, Sandstone Overhang, Buaraba Creek and then back to the picnic area. All up, just over 8km 🥾

This is a very easy hike with some stairs thrown in and a gradual up hill hike from Buaraba Creek back to the picnic area. This is totally up to you if you want to push yourself and get the heart pumping and the leg burn working 🏃‍♀️

You will hike through some lush rainforest, palm grove's, some pretty cool sand overhangs, eucalypt forest and a spring fed creek that doesn't have a lot of water but still a nice place to sit and take in the tranquillity of the sound's of the rainforest 🌿🍃 🦜

Why not head just up the road when you are done to Beutel Lookout for a bbq or picnic or head to a little local coffee shop and enjoy what they have on offer ☕

Enjoy 🙏💕

Instagram:- misslissy79
Wivenhoe Hill (South East Queensland)
12 Jan, 2021
13km return
You will find Wivenhoe Hill out in the picturesque Somerset Region.
Head to Wivenhoe Dam along Brisbane Valley Highway, take Hay Road exit off the Highway and then right turn into Fig Tree Road 🛻

This was my first time hiking Wivenhoe Hill 🥾

It is a shared hiking trail with horse's 🐎 so the track is mostly nice and wide and pretty easy to follow the whole way around.

Today I went anticlockwise and hiked the trails blue, white and red.
I would suggest starting this one early as the trail is very exposed for most of the hike 🌞

The scenery will change from water view's of Wivenhoe Dam to open grassland, bush and rocky outcrops ⛰

These three trails all link up together and are just over 10km. It took me around 2 hours and 45 minute's to complete with stopping for a break and photo's 📸

I personally believe you need a moderate level of fitness for this one. There are plenty of ups and down's the whole way round this track. It will definitely get the heart pumping and leg's burning 🔥 My leg's started to cramp up a little at around the 8km mark 😒

If you don't like walking through spider's web's, this one might not be for you 🕸

Overall a great hike to increase your fitness level with some lovely view's along the way 🌄

I will be back 🙏💕

Instagram:- misslissy79
Ships Stern Circuit (Lamington National Park)
9 Jan, 2021
7 hrs
The Ship's Stern Circuit is a part of the majestic, ancient old forest of The Lamington National Park. You will find this hike on the Binna Burra section of the mountain 🥾

This hike is a long day hike at around 21km's.
It was our first time on this track and our longest hike that we have accomplished 🏆

All up, it took us 7 hours with stopping for an hour and a half throughout the day for lunch and to soak our feet in the fresh cold water 🏞

We would grade it as a moderate hike as it is not overly strenuous but you do need a good level of fitness to complete the 21km's and there are some up and down part's throughout.

I was tripping over my own feet at about the 18km mark 👣 and I had to break out the jellybeans at 19kms 🍬😏

This hike will take you through some lush, green rainforest 🌿 palm groves 🌴 and some open eucalypt forest 🌾 with panorama views from a number of lookouts 👀

We went after some rain and some care is definitely needed throughout the hike. There were many muddy, slippery and mossy place's to slip on 🌦

The beauty of this hike after some rain is simply stunning though 🌈

Coming upon the waterfall is just breathtaking 💙 and then having to take off your boot's for a creek crossing and throw in some rock hopping 🏞 and climbing over a tree🪴 it turned it from a beautiful hike into a great adventure 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️

This hike is such a worthwhile experience.
We will definitely be back to hike again 🙏💕

Insta:- misslissy79
Gold Creek Reservoir (South East Queensland)
2 Jan, 2021
5.5km return
2 hrs
You will find Gold Creek Reservoir about 45 minutes from Ipswich heading out Mt Crosby way.

This is a simple little track with enough ups and downs to get the heart pumping and leg's burning 🏃‍♀️

The track is easy enough to follow but is overgrown in part's at the moment 🌿

I did this one anticlockwise and I personally think it worked out better as you have view's of the reservoir on your last leg of the hike 🏞🥾

You will be surrounded with bird song's the whole way round 🦜 and after all this glorious rain there is beautiful, lush green grassed areas to sit and have a picnic and relax when you are done 🍇🍓

This is a perfect little hike for hikers who love to experience nature but don't particularly want to drive all that far 🚗

Enjoy 🙏💕

Insta:- misslissy79
Greenes Falls via Rainforest Circuit + Cypress Grove Circuit (D'Aguilar National Park)
27 Dec, 2020
4.3km return
2 hrs
This was a quick little 4.3km up at Mt Glorious 🌄

You will find this hike has some beautiful, picturesque lush rainforest but that is about it. The fall's are unfortunately no little more then a trickle ☔

We would personally rate this hike as easy but it will get the heart pumping and a bit of a leg burn on the way back to the carpark if you push yourself 🏃‍♀️🏃

The path is well marked so you won't get lost with some boardwalks and stairs that are well maintained.

Overall this one is an easy hike for all levels of fitness 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️
Enjoy the rainforest on the way in and out, the sound of the bird's singing and pademelons settling in for the afternoon 🦘🦉

Don't expect much from the fall's and you won't be disappointed

Enjoy 🙏💕

Insta:- misslissy79
Mt Maroon (Mt Barney National Park)
6 Aug, 2020
6km return
4 hrs
So today I attempted Mt Maroon for my very first time!

It was pretty much straight up from the word go!

There is a short walk from the carpark to the official start point that does head upwards.
From here it is a whole heap of rock scrambling straight up 😳

I took my time and was stopping quite often to find my footing and where the safest and easiest way up looked for myself.

You do need to keep an eye out for markers as they are not easy to spot. A few times I zig zagged a bit off track. So make sure you stop to take a breath and veer back on track if needed.

I stopped for a breather around halfway to admire the view and have a drink.

I finished the rock scramble just under the 2 hour mark.

When I hit the easier part of the hike (that I don't believe was that far away at all from the top) I was high fiving myself 👋 for my achievement when my left foot slipped on some slippery, dusty ground that was on a downward track and went straight out in front of me while I ended up on my butt with my right leg ending up under my butt from my knee to my foot.
I felt something go in my leg below my knee and down my leg.

I decided that today it was more important to get back down safely then to accomplish a mountain climb 😔

I consider myself a safe and mindful hiker and it is not that I did anything wrong. It was just unfortunately an accident that I won't forget in a hurry!
I am so very thankful it was not worse!!!

This hike challenged me from the get go.
I did enjoy it and even though I never made it to the top, I am proud of my achievement.

I would personally suggest a good level of fitness for this one.
I would not recommend this one for children or if you have ankle or knee issues. I would also recommend a supportive pair of hiking boots with good grip 👟

I think it may take a little while to get over this injury, but I will be back to finish this one off 🙏💕

Mt Maroon - 1 🥇
Mel - 0

Instagram :- misslissy79