Aboriginal Artwork Track/ Hoop Pine Trail

Mt. Coot-tha

The Aboriginal Artwork Trail was created in 1993, the international year of the World's Indigenous People. It has since been renamed the Hoop Pine Trail.

Getting there

From the end of the road is a picnic/ bbq area walk past these acroos the creek then turn right and continue past a WWII bunker cross another creek to a wide open area which is dammed and where the water is if you stand quietly you will watch the local birds wash themselves.

Continue again straight ahead where you will come to the beginning of the Aboriginal Artwork trail. But the first stop on this walk is the waterfall lookout.

I would've liked to have seen more examples of artwork around the area. It is a great place to bring overseas visitors. The waterfall is best seen after heavy rain.


Available from Brisbane State forest park or good local camping store


Route/Trail notes

Watch out for exposed roots, rocks and in the valleys there can be alot of mosquitoes. The many creek crossings can be hazards after rain with flash flooding.


No Permits required

Other References


GPS Tracks

  • No GPS available for this walk yet.


This has been recently renamed to Hoop Pine Track as the Art Trail is being de-comissioned.

Saw some small snake, handprints and a human figure artwork on large boulders from the platform. I'd highly suggest some signs as you might not see it if you weren't really looking. A little disappointing that BCC isn't taking the initiative to maintain our cultural history of our area-- would you neglect statues or beautiful buildings and let them fall into disrepair?

Taken from MildlyExtreme.com (after a quick Google search):
"The Aboriginal Art Trail was created in 1993, as part of the International Year of the World’s Indigenous People. It was created in partnership with indigenous artists and was intended as a temporary installation. More than 25 years later and the installations are still there, but very weathered and in very poor condition. We have consulted with the original artists and they have advised to decommission the art trail. We don’t want visitors who read about the Art Trail on various websites to be disappointed if they make a special trip to Mt Coot-tha and find that the installations are not in good condition. Council will be continuing to explore opportunities for art and culture at Mt Coot-tha, particularly in a way that reflects the importance of indigenous history and culture.” Brisbane City Council 17/4/19

:) on 19 Jul, 2020

Nice easy walk, not a whole lot to see unfortunately. Would be really nice after some rain with the creeks flowing

Stev0 on 10 Mar, 2019

The artworks haven't been maintained unfortunately so that was pretty disappointing for my daughter.

Georgina B on 16 Feb, 2019

This walk was easy. I agree there is not a great deal of art to see but still some points of interest. We were satisfied visitors since it was not the only thing we planned to do that day. Be sure to stop on the small viewing platform and look down stream at the large bolders for some art work on the rocks. This art could be easily missed as there is no sign (like the other points along the way have). We thought it was the best of the artwork along the track to see.

We did this walk before starting out on the summit track. Stopped for ice cream and coffee at the top and then returned for a picnic lunch via mahogany trail. It was a great loop and the 8 and 12 yr old kids managed it well.

The Pages and co on 15 Apr, 2018

Not a bad walk, though there really wasn't much artwork to see. There are a few interpretive signs, but they are quite small and easy to miss. The creek wasn't running, but still pretty enough.

Ian and Sue on 21 Jan, 2017

I chose this walk to do this afternoon as my walking party consisted of myself, a four-year-old, and his head-cold ridden father. We needed to something short and easy, that would still get us outside in nature!

Unfortunately we made the mistake of parking right at the entrance to the Slaughter Falls car park. So we had to walk about 1km to get to the start of the Aboriginal Art Trail!

The walk is actually a little more slopey than I expected for an easy walk. I also note that some of the artworks appear to have deteriorated a lot since when I last did this walk in 1997. I agree with a previous poster - would be great if it could be an ongoing community project to maintain or add more artworks to the trail.

We enjoyed the challenge of the walk then found a private grassy spot next to the dry creek to have some snacks and a bit of a scramble.

Mt Coot-tha is a great place!

Dvette on 31 Jul, 2016

Nice walk, was lucky to see a 'waterfall' after rain.

Michael Martin on 29 Mar, 2015

Very easy and pleasant.

Alexandra on 15 Mar, 2014

Disappointed to see such limited artwork. Would be wonderful if they added more to it..a community endeavour. Highlight was gourmet breakfast at the park afterwards as the walk still builds up an appetite.

stepitup on 8 Sep, 2013

Nice creek views (after the rain) Some high steps but otherwise quite easy.

jen on 6 Nov, 2011

This track is always very interesting and especially so if you take someone along and experience the artwork together. A few mozzies new the creek but otherwise OK. Anytime we do a walk at Mount Cootha we always combine it with a walk through the Botanical Gardens a great way to unwind.


Boris Zoubakin on 22 Jul, 2010

Still a nice and easy walk. Some exposed roots and rocks. Also some of the steps can be a bit high. But overall a good little walk. The creek beds are still dry. You can finish off this walk with a lunch at the BBQ areas all around the park.

This park can be very busy during the weekends. I would suggest going during the week with less crowds. And more time to enjoy the walk.

Another day.... Another walk....


Boris Zoubakin on 21 Jul, 2010

At the moment the creek beds are mainly dry. But would be spectacular after rain. It really is a good place to bring overseas visitors and make a day of it and go to the top of mount Cootha as well.

I walked this track and found it very interesting. Too bad there wasn't a downoadable guide with more explainations somewhere.

I added this walk to my summit walk a must do.

Boris Zoubakin on 9 May, 2010


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