
29 walks ticked

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Number of Walks Ticked
Total Distance Ticked
Name Date Difficulty Distance/Duration
Everest Base Camp (Nepal)
11 Apr, 2013
Very Hard
14 days
Brilliant! Climbed Island Peak as well as part of a longer trek.
The Aussie 10 (Kosciuszko National Park)
5 Apr, 2013
3 days
Did this walk with my Dad. There are some differing opinions on which ones are the highest, but the above are the ones I did. Great time of year for it. Nice in the Sun but cold in the dark and wind.
Mt Barney - East Peak - South Ridge (Mt Barney National Park)
8 Dec, 2012
Very Hard
17km return
10 hrs
Walked up via peasents ridge and spent the night in rum jungle after summiting and walked out the next morning. Quite challenging with a heavy pack.
Caves Track (Lamington National Park)
14 Oct, 2012
5.2km return
90 mins
Not bad. The caves are impressive.
Daves Creek Circuit (Lamington National Park)
13 Oct, 2012
12km return
4 hrs
Great walk to stretch out the legs. Not much climbing or descending and the little scramble was a bit of fun.
Mt Warning Summit Trail (Wollumbin National Park)
7 Oct, 2012
8.3km return
5 hrs
Great walk with great company.
Spicer's peak (Main Range National Park)
22 Sep, 2012
Very Hard
6km return
4 hrs
Hot and dusty walk today. Fun scrambles, can be loose in parts.
Mt Greville (Moogerah Peaks National Park)
26 Aug, 2012
6km return
3 hrs
Beautiful weather today for this walk. Ascended via waterfall gorge and descended South East Ridge. Really nice walk up the gorge, mostly over dry creek bed. Some nice views of main range, but the foliage prevents views from the summit.
Mt Maroon (Mt Barney National Park)
19 Aug, 2012
6km return
4 hrs
After 2 weeks bed ridden with Dengue fever, this was hard work today. The weather was perfect and had a good crew with us. Great day.
Mt Fansipan (Phan Xi Pang) (Vietnam)
16 Jul, 2012
Very Hard

2 days
The weather in Sapa this time of year is overcast and rainy. Started the walk after a sleepless night on the night train and my jeep transfer to the mountain was in fact a moped transfer. With two days the plan is to walk through camp 1 (2200m) and spend the night at camp 2 (2900m) and summit the next morning. However, my guide and i make good time and summit at 1530 after a 6hr climb. Then descend for 2 hrs and sleep at camp 2. Its a very rainy, stormy night and the provided sleeping bag is sub par. No sleep again. When the sun rises we eat breakfast then walk 4hrs down off the mountain. No view from the top due to cloud, but summits aren't just about the view are they?
Mt Barney - East Peak - Up South-East - Down South (Mt Barney National Park)
20 Jun, 2012
Very Hard
15km return
10 hrs
Walked out of camp at Mount Barney Lodge at 7:15am. Starting at the lodge added an extra half k each way. Fine on the way in, on the way home...not so much. Very hard and exposed walk/climb. The exposure in places was far greater than expected and i was glad to be facing the rock, unable to see what was behind me. Advice, if you suffer vertigo, proabably take south ridge. Steep climbing to false summits can be disheartening, but adds to the challenge. Very glad the rock was dry and would probably throw in 10m of rope for the next ascent. Was lucky enough to have 2m of prussik cord in my pack (just long enough) and used it on a slippery boulder scramble. The descent on the south ridge was much easier and now have plans for a camp in rum jungle and an ascent of the west peak. Great view, challenging walk.
Yellowpinch Summit (Mt Barney National Park)
19 Jun, 2012
1 hr
Nice little leg stretcher. Went over the top and down the north side to the creek. Then rock hopped downstream and found a great swimming hole. Excited via a farm back on to the yellowpinch road.
Python Rock (Lamington National Park)
10 Jun, 2012
3.4km return
1 hr
Nice, easy and relaxing. Completed as part of a larger traverse.
Morans Falls (Lamington National Park)
9 Jun, 2012
4.4km return
90 mins
Made an adventure out of this walk. Started with the Python rock track and back then out to Moran falls lookout and over the creek to the western lookout. then up the hill to balancing rock and beyond to the castle rocks. Retuned along the same route and took the old trail along the ridge and acsended to moonlight crag. From here follw the ridge again via an old trail to orchid grotto and Lyrebird lookout. This is where the walk gets really spectacular and a little tricky. Follow the tags through thick forrest for ? Kms. Expect to get lost and have to retrace to find the trail. Eventually ending up on the border track 700m South of the O'reily's guest house. Comes out around 14 or 15K's. I think. Great day.
Warrie Circuit (Springbrook National Park)
2 Jun, 2012
17km return
5 hrs
Excellent walk. The rain made it a little more interesting and very leechy. Some spectacular waterfalls and caves. Added on the twin falls and was very glad I did. The tracks leading behind the waterfalls are great and refreshing. Took around four and a half hours at a decent pace.
Mount May (Mt Barney National Park)
May, 2012
9km return
5.5 hrs
Did the Northern Summit. Steady incline up scree track, through overgrown tracks that flatten out to a false summit with camp spot. Then up again to the North summit with views of the dam and the hills to the North.
Cronan Creek Falls Track (Mt Barney National Park)
13 Apr, 2012
5 hrs
Did this walk with walkinghawk. Was good to stretch the legs but didn't offer any challenges other than a few creek crossings and one large incline. Follows a fire trail to a dead end. I have heard that some waterfalls can be accessed, but the only one we could potentially get to was inaccessible. Maybe if we had a rope...
Mt Maroon (Mt Barney National Park)
Apr, 2012
6km return
4 hrs
Loved this walk/climb. Steep in, then a scramble up the gorge to a few peaks with 360 views. Can be cold up top.
Lower Portals (Mt Barney National Park)
Apr, 2012
7.4km return
3 hrs
Really nice relaxing walk. Lower portal rocks are impressive. Added a walk over the top of the ridge and onwards up the river. Nice place to rockhop and relax.
Mt Warning Summit Trail (Wollumbin National Park)
Apr, 2012
8.3km return
5 hrs
Good walk today. Perfect weather, great view.