A walk up to the top of Mt Greville circa 770m. Up the waterfall gorge, then visit viewing platform rock slab near top of waterfall gorge. Alternatively, ascend via SE Ridge. Continue to summit then return via Palm Gorge.

Bird Watching
Scrambling or Climbing
Navigation Required
No Dogs Permitted
Eucalypt Forest
Maximum Elevation
Total Climb

Getting there

 From Aratula drive towards Cunningham's Gap and turn off at the Spicers Gap Rd. Follow this road for about 8 km( it does become dirt for a while) then turn into Mt Greville Rd find the start after about 800m driving or so along Mt Greville Rd.


Sun maps Mt Edwards

Route/Trail notes

From the gate walk uphill to the sign posts about 400m, there are three alternatives Waterfall Gorge, South East Ridge and Palm Gorge. This walk goes up SE Ridge and comes down Palm Gorge.

Follow the rough track up SE ridge lots of scree at the bottom and a few cairns on the way up. There are some rocky slabs to scramble on and through and if you lose the rough trail then keep heading up through the grass trees. Eventually you will come to a second wide rocky slab with great views of the southern Fassifern valley and the southern Mountains of the Main Range, Mt Ballow, Mt Barney, Mt Edwards, Mt Moon, Mt Maroon and Moogerah Dam. There is a lower rocky slab with the same view. Keep tracking up to the left through the Grass Trees till you enter forest again near another cairn note a well trevelled footpath that descends into Palm Gorge, it is about 30m up from the cairn for easier access. Keep following the trail up hill to the summit where there are good views to the North and views of the Ramparts of The Main Range and Mistake and Little Liverpoool Mountains.

On the Descent look for a rough trail that heads up hill about 10 min from the summit. it leads to the head of a steep rocky Gorge that has a stunning view of Spicers Peak framed in its middle. About 10 min again from here locate the cairn and footpad that descends into Palm Gorge. Just keep following this down and take your time. There are loose rocks and slippery palm fronds on the ground but is well worth it. Pictures are necessary just to prove how beautiful this place is. Follow the rough footpad all the way back to the signposts and turn downhill to the carpark.

Altenate walks can include going up Waterfall Gorge and Traversing to the start of Palm Gorge across the Rock slab very enjoyable after summitting!


There is no camping in the Park.

Other References

Take A walk in the Sout East Queensland ; Chapman.


Went up SE ridge and down Waterfall gorge, the real climax was picnic rock rather than the summit but it was also exciting descending into Waterfall gorge. When you come up out of waterfall gorge there's a track going steeply uphill to the right but it's a dead end, the correct track goes downhill to the left

Jeremy Wilson on 7 Jul, 2024

Fun walk! 3 Different tracks to choose. Went up Palm Gorge and down SE Ridge. When at the end of Palm Gorge you get to a Juncture where you can go further up the goroge, where it looks like it narrows to nowhere, and on the right a massive hill full of loose rocks. We scrambled up the rocks (which was fun) instead of the correct way further through the Gorge. Still got us up to the start of the SE ridge track though. A lot of side tracks, but easy to follow if you just stop and scout out a bit before taking off. Went up to the summit which had some really good flora variation and back down SE Ridge which was quite steep in places with a lot of loose rocks. Took about 5.5 hours with a 20min stop halfway and about 40 mins at the top, plus a bit of scouting. Going back this week to do Waterfall Gorge!

Christian Paul McManus on 17 May, 2024

Hiked Mt Greville for the 4th time. Started about 6.20 am and got back to carpark about 6 hours later. Up waterfall gorge out to Slab Rock for a break and photos. Up to the summit then down via the south east ridge. Much easier than going down palm gorge. Paid to start early and we saw nobody until we arrived back to a overflowing carpark.

ian parker on 30 Mar, 2024

I did this with Judy. We went up Palm Gorge and down the Ridge Track.

Kaz Manley on 11 Oct, 2023

Awesome hike today. Up through waterfall gorge up to the summit of Greville and back down Palm gorge. Hard going and quite steep. Good views of Mt Barney and Mt Maroon and the main range also Moogera dam.

ian parker on 10 Sep, 2022

SE Ridge up, Palm Gorge down. The latter was the highlight of the walk. Met two SES workers at the car park. Person got lost in the waterfall gorge. Preparation is essential!!!

Wanderlust on 17 Jul, 2022

We went up Waterfall Gorge, over to picnic rock (slab rock), then back to the summit and down SE ridge. This is a popular route if you want to visit picnic rock, which is stunning. A very pretty, very rocky hike. Great summit with Glenis. And the same route in 2023 with Judy. This is a longer and more difficult route than going up Palm Gorge, which then leads directly up to the Summit (no trip to Picnic Rock Lookout), then back down again, taking the ridge detour of the Palm Gorge track.

Kaz Manley on 20 Jun, 2022

We went up Palm Gorge and down SE Ridge. We were originally planning on coming down Waterfall Gorge but took a wrong turn somewhere.
Palm Gorge was beautiful. Not overly hard, just a constant uphill rocky scramble.
Nice view at the top. Slightly blocked by a few trees but still amazing!
Coming down SE Ridge we lost the track a couple of times. It was a lot more open in places with great views. The track was not always obvious though.
Quick side trip to Waterfall Gorge which was another beautiful spot.
Overall a great scenic hike. Keen to go again and start the loop at Waterfall Gorge.

Suz on 6 Feb, 2022

Beautiful walk with spectacular views. The track is not marked at all and I would not recommend going without some form of navigational skills or a GPS/maps app on your phone (I use maps.me and would highly recommend). Even with the app we got lost a few times and needed to do some bush bashing to get back on course. Definitely worth it for the views!

Jess&JonM on 6 Sep, 2021

Wasn’t too hard. Mostly scrambling and climbing and the tracks weren’t very obvious but was different and worth it for the view

Lara on 7 Jun, 2021

We went up the SE ridge and down palm gorge it was a nice hike.

Polarbear88 on 26 Apr, 2021

Went up Palm Gorge, got lost twice, came back down Palm Gorge! Nice

Tony Capitano on 21 Feb, 2021

We took the waterfall gorge ascent and quickly realised how unmarked this track is. Don’t recommend going on a rainy day or after a big rainfall- the mud is like glue. The gorge had lots of lovely pools but it made for slippery walking and climbing. Keep going right through the gorge and then you eventually walk a steep section and come out of the rainforest to the plateau. The best view is to the right and it is worth the walk - stunning scenery. The walk is highly recommended but just be aware there are no signs and at times we felt lost. The other ascent might be better but this was really pretty and now we know how the track progresses it would make for a better walk.

Briony B on 3 Jan, 2021

Done this walk a couple times before on school camp, and recently headed out again with a mate to relive the memories. Tough but enjoyable walk; tracks are reasonably easy to follow, though I briefly got lost in Waterfall Gorge when I followed a steep, narrow side track as opposed to continuing along the gorge.

Jackson Nugent on 2 Oct, 2020

Ascended via the lush Waterfall Gorge with magnificent palms and scenery - an interesting scramble. Stopped for morning tea on the slabby cliffs on the North-East face with views of Lake Moogerah and Mt Edwards. Stunning! Weather was perfect. We continued upwards and around the mountain over a connecting trail to the South East Ridge track which we followed to the summit. A nice sense of accomplishment at the summit. Enjoyed some more views. We descended via the cool and shaded Palm Gorge and stopped at a rocky outcrop for more views. Very scenic walk. Absolutely loved it. Track can be hard to pick up. Am glad I went with someone who knew the way. Would not do this one solo.

Caroline on 26 Sep, 2020

Beautiful walk. Will definitely do this one again.

Giselle Stanton on 5 Sep, 2020

Spectacular walk. Will definitely be doing it again.

Kelvski on 5 Sep, 2020

We got lost many times and it took 5.5hrs return. The lack of view at the top was anticlimactic surrounded by trees. There is NO! climbing on this walk only scrambling however, we mistakenly climbed up then back down two semi dangerous wrong paths. Despite all of this it's still one of my favorites!! We started from waterfall gorge (we climbed up a narrow mini gorge like path on the right hand side inside waterfall gorge don't do this! Instead keep left.) The view at the top of waterfall gorge after a hundred metres or so was priceless and very grammable! From there to summit you will need to follow the cliff in a clockwise direction if you follow the path anti-clockwise you will need climbing gear.
We came back via palm gorge which is also magnificent.
We had heaps of water and food.

Chesspeople on 31 Aug, 2020

Beautiful walk on a beautiful day.

Leanne Loch on 16 Aug, 2020

I just gave this one a go for the first time as part of my Barney training. As far as scenery goes, this one is up there. I went up Palm Gorge, to the summit, then down around to a rocky slab viewing area for some better views of the surrounding areas and the back of the mountain itself. I then went down Waterfall Gorge on the way back.

If you love photography, bring your camera!!

I got up to the summit in about an hour and a half, i would have gotten there quicker if i didn't stop to take photos every 10 seconds! The whole hike took me about 5 and a half hours. This included lunch and snack breaks, a bit of extra exploring off trail and about a million photo stops. LoL

I wouldn't say you need an excellent level of fitness, because rest assured, that ain't me, but you do need to be moderately fit if you want to do this in a decent amount of time. And if you're not, it will certainly work your quads haha.

Although pro navigator skills aren't really needed for this one, Wikiloc or equivalent would be handy to have with you as although the trails are pretty clear, they can go faint at some spots and if you're not paying attention to where you're going you could lose the trail. Not so critical in the gorge sections as you can't really go too far astray except at the entrance and exits if you're not paying attention.

Make sure for this one you have good shoes and good balance. Hiking poles certainly would help you here as some sections in the gorges are quite slippery. Coming down Waterfall Gorge is where extreme care and attention must be taken. The rocks are jagged and can be slippery, a bad misstep here will most likely end with some broken bones, or some pretty good scrapes and bruises if you're lucky.

The best advice i can give for this hike, is take your time, and take it all in. There's plenty of "power hikes" you can do, but i think this one would be best enjoyed at a slower pace.

Nittus on 16 Aug, 2020


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