Fantastic views from the top of Mt Walsh. The climb can be difficult up at the last part. The trail is easy to follow if you have basic trail sense and is marked with flag tape and arrows painted onto rocks. No ropes are need but hand over hand climbing is required for the last part.

Picnic Facilities
Scrambling or Climbing
No Dogs Permitted
Eucalypt Forest
Maximum Elevation
Total Climb

Getting there:

Drive from Biggenden towards Maryborough along Maryborough-Biggenden Road and approx 2.6km out of Biggenden you turn right into National Park Road (this is well signed), then follow National Park Roadd to the end where you will reach Mt Walsh Natiional Park (Mt Walsh Section) picnic area car park. Summit track starts from there.


Mount Walsh National Park

Route/Trail notes:

The first part of the walk is quite easy through bush with a well defined trail but as the walk ascends you need to climb over rocks and through tight crevasses. The top of the mountain is quite flat and can be explored easily, upon your return some sliding is required during the descent. Allow a good half day or full day if intending to hike in surrounding bushland.


None. There is a bush camp towards the Pinacles.

Other References/Comments:

None made.

GPS Tracks

  • No GPS available for this walk yet.


Superb adventure, especially in the pouring rain and strong winds at the top!
Managed to wind my way through the long grass at the base, scramble around the slippy rocks (you need a decent length grab to get some of the holds) and stand on the summit with absolutely NO view whatsoever.
Up and down in 1hr 44secs. And yes I am a trail runner. Highly recommend for others.

Ben Southall on 10 Mar, 2024

Such a great hike! The first 3/4 was a steep uphill climb on uneven ground with lots of loose rocks. The real fun began after that with a bit of rock scrambling on the way to the top. A couple of slightly tricky places, mainly to do with the reach, but lots of places to grab onto. It is amazing at the top, you could stay for hours if you wanted. Probably best to avoid in the wet, as I imagine it would get quite slippery. There is also not a lot of cover, so the cooler months are the way to go.

Suz on 28 May, 2023

Didn't quite make it to the very top...the incoming rain scared us off. It was getting a little slippery! We were so close though...will have to come back on a fine day.

Suz on 26 Dec, 2021

So this day took a couple of newbies up. I went step by step with my 71 year old friend who has COPD and emphysema. We started early and good thing too as this took 5 hours return with atleast 70 stops. But I was happy to do that given I really wanted to see my friend complete this bucket list item for themselves. We took breaks and had water and low and behold, he made it to the top and back down again! Such a proud moment for me. I believe I was slowly learning patience with many before him as I actually stopped and looked at my surroundings on each of his breaks and this was a nice change for me.

Valda on 18 Oct, 2021

Took a couple of kids up this day. When I say kids I mean young people in their early 20's. We began early but it still took roughly 5 hour return as we stopped a lot and there were moments when I needed to allow them to push through their fears in sections. I already knew it was achievable but they needed to build their own confidence. It was a very hot day and lucky I packed lots of water as they ran out and really needed it. By the end they were wrapped to have gone up and down and had a new found appreciation for the love of outdoor activity.

Valda on 4 Oct, 2021

It was double mountain Monday again and after a 2 week break from resting it was not going to be my fastest. So we got to mount Walsh about 10am and it was a nice clear winter day. It did prove to be a hot time to climb even though in winter and having rested for so long it proved tough. Got up in 45 minutes and had a nice long rest under the cool rocks at the top. Because it had been dry it was a little dusty and slightly slippery so I went down with extra caution so 35 mins down. Stretched out before and after and then set off for mount woowoonga.

Valda on 2 Aug, 2021

Tough climb

Jonno on 10 Jul, 2021

Once again a lovely climb. Freezing at the top this time.

Tess on 2 Jun, 2021

Another great climb.

Tess on 29 May, 2021

Another great climb.

Tess on 29 May, 2021

Labour day holiday. Began climbing just after 7. It was fresh but the climb would soon warm us. It had been raining so the ground was soft and a little muddy. Went for speed today up and down to beat other previous times and were headed to Woowoonga straight after to complete double mountain Monday. Flora and fauna life in the cooler months really flourishes. So it only took 37 minutes up this day and 22 down as I scooped in just under an hour. I keep race climbing for fitness so don't be crazy like me unless you workout regularly. Even with the wet overnight it was still fine to climb the rock etc so I was thankful for that. It wad very windy at the top so I didn't stay long plus I wanted to get down and up the next mountain in the morning!

Valda on 3 May, 2021

Set out early as we like to do when the morning is fresh for the warm up the mountain. Was surprised to see water tracking out of the rocks today on the climb. So that in itself created a small challenge, not so much for me but for my husband who is built differently to me. However we still made it up to the top in which I explored more than I had before really hoping to find the path for the tassel track to the four sisters but I was not lucky enough today to find so I will save that for next time. I did travel all the way to the north end of the top and I could look down on the sisters which seemed so far down. Always a good climb. I will get to the sisters one day when I'm less time poor and have more time to explore😊

Valda on 12 Apr, 2021

Started the walk early in the morning around 7.30 am. Low gradient to start increasing steeply from the base. Track clearly marked with tape. Care needs to be taken on the ascent due to loose rocks and slippery rock faces. Two small climbs up crevices, ropes have been attached. I suggest you carefully check the condition of the ropes before using them. The top of the mountain is open. Walkers need good non slip footwear and plenty of water. This is a great walk for experienced bushwalkers

David Eke on 12 Apr, 2021

Great climb. Early start to catch the sunrise but slippery after rain overnight

Diana on 9 Apr, 2021

Went up this in Easter Monday and looks like sometime has added a rope for the beginning of the climb. How long that will last who knows. Sadly this day it rained so the rock face was too slippery to safely climb up with the extra newbies we brought along but will be going back again because it's always worth it at the top!

Valda on 5 Apr, 2021

Great walk. Not for the unfit but definitely doable.

Kelvin on 13 Mar, 2021

A solid push up hill to the summit. We did this hike closer to midday. Something I wouldn't recommend in warmer months as there is little to no shade. Gorgeous views.

Monstar on 13 Mar, 2021

On this day took my co workers with me. It was a HOT day, we began the climb about 10am. I'd packed extra water as I suspected they wouldn't have enough. Even with my 3 litre backpack and a couple bottles we ran out. This day it took 2 hours up and an hour and a half down. I'd done this before around the same time but it had been overcast and I had similar fitness companion. Today was varied levels of fitness and did I mention it was hot haha anyhoo these girls still made it up and down all with fear of heights they conquered fear for the day. It really is an enjoyable feat especially once you're down again you feel accomplished. My favorite time to climb is still early as the sun is not as hot but I always enjoy this climb regardless of time of day but I am quite fit 😊

Valda on 23 Feb, 2021

So set off today on an overcast day in aim to beat our last time. We began the climb at 10.25 but it wasn't as hot because of cloud coverage. I was amazed at how it all seemed different from the last time but last time was 7 start and we were new to combing. We've since climbed a few more and gained more skill and equipment ie appropriate shoes and hydrate back pack... very useful by the way. This climb today felt quicker and even less distance... tried a few different climbing avenues and as always so grateful for the ribbons that are guides and paint on rocks or tees that help lead the way. Today being quite fit we went up and down in an hour and fourteen minutes. First time was an hour forty five minutes up and an hour and four minutes down so a massive time jump for us. I still advise to take caution always with foot placement on track or during climb and use your arms as well . I personally get low on descension as I can reach objects easier then if I were standing and you've less chance of falling forward. Great climb I'm sure I'll do again... maybe take my other kids up one day.

Valda on 8 Feb, 2021

Mount Walsh was my first climb and I went in with no idea what to expect. We began the ascend approximately 7am. The track itself is very natural terrain and while a slight slant at the beginning it became fairly steep quickly. Take lots of water as it can be quite warm. There's enough space for rest brakes. There's ribbon and paint on rocks and trees to help guide you along the way when you might not know where to go. You'll know it's time to rock climb when you get to a flat slanted rock face. No ropes or chain just find areas you can grab or put your foot in and make your way up. Total time up was 1 hour 45 minutes . The top is glorious and spacious with plenty of great views. Descending was approximately 1 hour. Just take your time climbing down the rocks then be wary when going down the bush track as using your legs for braking for a length of time they might tremble a little. I'm definitely going back to try get a quicker time.

Valda on 28 Dec, 2020


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