Breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, rock scrambling challenges and diverse plant communities await you are you skirt Mt Beerburrum and then transverse the Trachyte Ridge, before reaching a heath covered bluff and descending into the open eucalypt forest below.

Picnic Facilities
Scrambling or Climbing
No Dogs Permitted
Eucalypt Forest

Getting there:

Follow M1 'Bruce Highway' north from Brisbane for 55km. Leave the highway onto Steve Irwin Way, signposted Beerwah and Glass House Mountains Tourist Drive. After 4.5km turn left into Beerburrum Road (signposted Mt Beerburrum Lookout) and turn right after 900m into the trailhead for Beerburrum.

As part of the Glass House Mountains National Park upgrade, the access road and car park to Mount Beerburrum is now closed. Access to the Mount Beerburrum summit walk and Yul-yan-man track is now via the Beerburrum trailhead, located in the township, adjacent to Beerburrum State School.


Glass House Mountains

Route/Trail notes:

From behind the information board in the car park, the signposted precarious track heads off right around Mt Beerburrum. This 'Hard' 800m section, is not the base of the mountain, but about half way up and requires you to scramble over boulders, across bare rock face and along narrow ledges.

There are triangular distance markers along the route to help keep you on track.

From here, a 'Medium' rubble strewn track leads along the Trachyte Ridge to the first lookout on your left. The track continues along the ridge until you reach the 'bluff' and the second lookout to your right. You then have a steep slippery descent down to the end of the track (1km), where it meets the Trachyte Circuit.

From here, you have the choice to return by the same route, or an easier, but longer 5.5km option is to turn right along the Trachyte Circuit and then right again along the Soldier Settler's Trail.



Other References/Comments:

It is interesting, that as you walk along, different mountains come in to view, then disappear and another looms up.

A few people have had difficulty with this walk, so I have changed it from 'Medium' to 'Hard'.


Returned along Soldier Settler’s track. 10? km loop. Four hours of ambling. Not “hard”, I would describe the Yul Yan Man section as moderate, as nothing is steep and exposed. It’s just slow going at times.

Adrienne on 21 Jul, 2024

Was a good walk/scrabble. Is not a relaxing stroll, was a good challenge and then did Soldier Settlers track on way back which is a nice relaxing walk.

Tracy on 8 Jun, 2024

Was a good walk/scrabble. Is not a relaxing stroll, was a good challenge and then did Soldier Settlers track on way back which is a nice relaxing walk.

Tracy on 8 Jun, 2024

Good solid scrambling. Returned via Soldier Settler's Trail. Great views but I wouldn't want to do this on a hot day!

wolfgang on 21 Aug, 2023

It's interesting to read the comments; some say this is pretty easy, others describe it as hard. Noting I have seen Tibrogargan Summit described as easy (??), obviously a lot depends on your fitness level, how steady you are on your feet and how you go with heights. Did YYM with my walking buddy and I was very glad I had him with me. He managed it fine, I struggled. He stepped comfortably across the rocky sections while I inched across on my backside. A few spots he had to talk me through. I don't handle heights so well, I get dizzy, which does not help when boulder-hopping! I do NOT want to put anyone off with this, the track is not especially high and for the most part is well tree covered so exposure in minimal. Some parts were enough to get my nerves jangling but I made it. I think it rates as "hard" for the up-hill scramble at the start and one or two rock faces to get across shortly after the scramble. The track along the ridge is fine and has some amazing views, some loose stone and minor exposure but any average walker would handle it. The steep decline at the end (immediately past the second lookout) looks worse than it is, I went down comfortably enough (again, crab-walking on my backside). From the top you can't see the track at the bottom but trust me, it's there. Once you're down that it's easy going the rest of the way.

Jim Craigen on 17 Apr, 2023

Yul-yan-man track—meaning 'walk slowly' in Kabi Kabi language—is a bushwalking and rock-scrambling track starting from the trail head at Beerburrum. … a 9km 3hr+ hike 🥾🥾

Little bit of rock scrambling and one steep descent, but overall, a nice easy bush walk, marked well with pink markers, well worn path and not too many others on the trail today. Peaceful, lots of wild hibiscus, birds singing and good company.

JodyH on 6 Nov, 2022

Need to remain observant so as not to miss markers. I got lost twice but All Trails map got me back on track. Returned via Settlers & was 11km.

Joanne on 4 Oct, 2022

Great walk. Suzy & I walked, jogged, scrambled on an overcast Sunshine Coast day. Rocks & rock faces were wet & slippery, so had to take care. Great views of the Glasshouse Mountains.

Nick.b on 20 Feb, 2022

A bit strenuous bit great

Arnstein on 11 Feb, 2022

Good fun walk. Definitely not grade 5 as suggested by the noticeboard at the trailhead, but some good off-track fun nonetheless.

Amanda J on 9 Feb, 2022

Only did maybe the first quarter or so of this hike. Absolutely cool terrain but poor weather conditions. Was storming the night before so the track was rather wet. As I did this one alone I figured it'd be safer to return another time when everything had dried out.

melted_cheese on 15 Oct, 2021

Solid walk, not the best in the area. But would recommend if your a local or around for a while

Kieran Wiggins on 28 Jul, 2021

Wow! Great walk. Definitely need hiking boots. Hardest bit was at the end as it was quite steep so I was so glad I'd invested in good pair.
Walked back along Settlers track which is beautiful but I have to be truthful and say I was so looking forward to getting to the car. It took us 5hrs to do both Yul yan man and Settlers with abt 30 min stop for breakfast.

Jenny on 19 Jun, 2021

A great hike with some fun rock scrambling and views of Mts Tibrogargan, Beerwah, Tibberoowuccum and Tunbudbudla. Did the walk back along the Soldier Settler trail which made the whole hike 13kms.

Olwyn on 27 Feb, 2021

I finished in about 2.5 hours, but didn't stop anywhere. I went on a day where it had rained in the morning, but it was fairly dry on the track by 9. I think it would be too slippery if it had rained more. There are lots of nice views.

RJ on Jan, 2021

A little long but so worth it! Views are extensive and beautiful, a must do

BushwalkerBro on 2021

Some very slippery surfaces and steep but we enjoyed it. Luckily it wasn’t too hot! Do not go without hiking shoes!

2_wanderers_on_the_road on 29 Sep, 2020

Fun trail. A good mixture of rock scrambling, good views, and bush walk.

Warm up on Beerburrum first 😂

Mr. Ningles on 19 Sep, 2020

3.5hr total time (2:40 moving time)

Camilla More on 13 Sep, 2020

Great Challenge! well signed and a great triumph to complete. great views in places and a bit of scrambling here and there. Would recommend going in the morning, especially if in summer as it is quite exposed in places. Could be tricky in the wet.

Dane Patrick on 16 Aug, 2020

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