Keperra Bushland Lookout

Brisbane City Council Local Walks

A steep paved walk to the top of the Keperra Lookout. There are seats at the summit to look over Mount Coot-tha and the Flinders Peak group in the distance. The track loops back down a steep and loose fire trail which drops off the North side of the summit.

Eucalypt Forest
Maximum Elevation

Getting there

Turn left from Samford Rd onto Settlement Rd and turn right into Mungarie St. Stop about 200m near the dog off leash area.



Route/Trail notes

From the dog off leash area walk towards the culvert over the creek and walk up the easement next to the house at the top of the hill turn right. Follow the firetrail down to the right, following the power lines and then turn uphill at the junction of firetrails, turn left uphill and follow this steep trail to the next junction. turn left to the summit about 220m and enjoy the views of Mt. Coot-tha & Flinders Peak Group. Return to the junction and turn left and follow this firetrail downhill past the house that was destroyed in the November 2008 storm to an uphill part where the firetrail turns right downhill on bitumen. There are numerous off shoots to explore. Follow the bitumen down to the flats at bottom and if you wish walk back up the street to Mungarie St or follow a rough path over the firetrail way, following the Power lines.



Other References



Part forest trail, part bitumen. Good view towards the west. The other half of the Conservation area is all forest trail without the lookout.

Wanderlust on 19 May, 2024

2.4km loop in 53min according to Google. Next time now that I know the way, I'd rather go counterclockwise so that I ascend on the dirt track and descend on the bitumin as the dirt firetrack was heavily eroded and a bit unnerving to descend (we took the strategy of semi jogging down in small stretches to avoid worrying about stable footing). Lots of birdsong lovely to hear and we thought it would be interesting to combine into a longer walk into the Gap.

Elaine P. on 18 Jul, 2021

Park and start the trail at the corner of Levitt Rd and Cobalt St. Bit slippery on the way back.

Clem on 18 Sep, 2020

did this one yesterday -- entered from Cobalt St and took the bitumen path up the hill into the forest....quite steep and a good work out..hardly any views due to the surrounding trees...i turned left down the fire trail towards Mungarie St -- keep in mind its steep down and this part is loose so sometimes i sort of walked down sideways so not to slip....good workout but not a pretty walk...took me about 50 minutes...

Greg Brady on 11 May, 2020

South side is gravel, north side is bitumen. View not spectacular

Jeffrey Nuttall on 22 Jan, 2020

2/3 of the track is bitumen path and rest is a loose gravel fire trail. some steep sections at the start to get your heart pumping

Joshee on 5 Jun, 2019

Steep walk on the east side on a wide track, but definitely do able

Bonson Lam on 17 Jun, 2018

Great hike, challenging in places. Overall Excellent X-training track. 👍👍

Maverick on 16 Jun, 2017

Medium walk, easy to navigate. Took me roughly an hour, medium fitness level.

Ranee on 2 Jan, 2017

the 4ks certainly feels like more

DNFcacher on 22 Sep, 2016

Only recorded 3.77km not sure what we missed to make it to 8km as directions were equal to what we traversed. Will do again the hills are good training for WW1 Queensland Challenge and Kokoda.

#Hawesome on 22 May, 2016

dry and dusty. Hard to see the view but still nice. Glad someone wrote good directions up :)

Faye Martin on 12 Jul, 2014

Started at Park 200 mtrs down left hand side Keryn Place. Up hill towards Power Lines -- take a left ( S,SE ) at junction STEEP and LOOSE / Slippery ( 16 to 27 % + ! ) At crest a Left turn will take you to Spur outlook and Private Property Yellow Gated. Return from Spur turn left to continue circuit - there is a steep down hill ( 13 to 20 % - ). Then up down until coming to bitumen downhill . Halfway down you pass some Mango and Custard Apple trees in line . Old Farm ? Turn Right up Cobalt St 180 Mtrs and re-enter trail . follow power lines to Junction at start turn left and Fini.
GREAT strength training.

Ted n Jo on 22 Sep, 2013

Walk is nowhere near 8 Klms . ! ! I recorded 4.4 Klms

Ted n Jo on 15 Sep, 2013

Bit of a wet afternoon. Stunning views regardless of the other reviews. Great little secret. Recommend to anyone

Sambo88 on 20 Jul, 2013

Bit of a wet afternoon. Stunning views regardless of the other reviews. Great little secret. Recommend to anyone

Sambo88 on 20 Jul, 2013

View not fantastic. Manageable walk - don't think it's quite the 8ks stated. Otherwise, very nice :)

ct__ on 12 Dec, 2011

A great walk for Brisbane. loved the little trails that offshoot the main track.

Laurence Hallam on 23 Sep, 2011

Not sure how it was measured at 8Km as we measured only 4.66Km. Couldn't see how the extra was made up - anyway, it's a good workout. Rival to the Kokoda trail on Mt Coot tha for the elevation climb so its an ideal training track.

Stump1100 on 11 Sep, 2011

Entry via Cobalt street in two places also. Turn right into Cobalt St off Mungarie and entrance is after 3rd house on left; other is off where Cobalt St intersects Glengarry Rd. Have yet to see an echidna but plenty of birdlife, bugs, and one snake so far...

stryker on 29 Apr, 2011


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