Carnarvon Great Walk

Carnarvon National Park

Walk the trails of the Carnarvon Great Wallk to experience a remote and beautiful landscape of towering sandstone cliffs, sweeping tablelands and shaded side-gorges.

The Carnarvon Great Walk links the Carnarvon Gorge and Mount Moffatt sections of Carnarvon National Park, an area of outstanding natural beauty and human history set within the highlands of the Central Queensland Sandstone Belt.

Getting there

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Route/Trail notes

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Day one I started early and did all of the side tracks up to Big Bend... Moss Garden, Ampitheatre, Art Gallery, Cathedral (Wards Canyon was closed). Big Bend was all booked out so I pushed on towards Gadds. The hike up the Battleship Spur was really tough with my big 20kg backpack (I had a few moments where I had to stop and compose myself) and I was really tired but still had about 12 km to go.
The hike into Gadds I got lost once. It's really important to follow the orange arrow markers but often you have your head down watching your step!
I just got to Gadds in time to set up camp before sundown and I was spent so a quick feed and off to sleep. There was noone else there.
Day 2 I was a little slow to get away and there was some big uphill climbs again but I got into West Branch at about 2.30pm and hung my clothes out to dry.
This is actually a proper campground that is accessible by car and there were a few groups there. The night was freezing. I don't know the exact temperature but I woke up about 2am shivering and there was frost on everything in the morning, the taps weren't working because they were frozen and the water left over in the pot I boiled for my coffee eventually froze solid. Cold.
I was sore and tired but got going to Consuelo and made good time so I kept going all the way to Cabbage Tree which is about 32km. The path from Consuelo to CT was poorly marked with the orange arrows at times... they go off into the bush weirdly but if you just stick to the main path you get to CT.
The final day is mostly downhill with some epic views along the way.
Pretty happy to make it back and my feet needed a rest!
A great walk but nowhere to swim in order to clean yourself so after 4 days I was pretty dirty!
To see a video of the hike on Youtube here's the link...

Hogey Bear on 21 Jun, 2024

Breathtaking, beautiful hiking!

WildflowerBell on 6 Jun, 2024

Amazing walk!

EchidnaScout on 7 Jul, 2021

A very rewarding walk. I've posted a full report of our experience here for anyone interested:

David Brewster on 12 Apr, 2021

Great walk. Very hard up Battleship spur with 17kg on ones back. Trail gets a little astray at times. Good map reading and attention to marker arrows essential.

Craig Buchan on 13 May, 2019

I loved this hike. I did it as a 4 day hike-I did section 1 on day 1, 2 on day 2 then sections 3 and 4 on day 3, sections 5 & 6 on day 4.

Definitely do the side Tracks the first day.

The climb up Battleship Spur on day 2 is challenging with a full pack. I'd think it would be brutal in hit weather-there isn't a lot of shade on much of the trail.

I saw emus and a lot of wild pigs.

The trail was very overgrown and hard to follow at times in the last section but it's otherwise very well defined.

sk on 13 Apr, 2015

Not a bad effort for a first attempt at a multi-day walk.

Very challenging, but remote, and very beautiful.

Thom on 6 Oct, 2012

Awesome walk, do the side trails on day 1

B_T on Sep, 2012


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