Mapleton National Park


Any interesting history for the region?


What are the standout bushwalking features?


How do you get there? Include all access points if there are many?


Which maps cover the region?


Where can I stay there? or near there?



Contact details

300 m return
15 mins

Cooloolabin Conservation Park - Kiamba Rd Section.

This is all about peace and tranquillity; sitting on the rocks or dipping your feet in the cool water pools, as the waters cascade over the boulders.

2.8 km return
1 hr

Gheerulla Falls

A lovely short, but fairly steep walk down an overgrown track to the creek bed and hidden water fall.

22 km
6 hrs

Gheerulla Valley Circuit

A pleasant day walk in the spectacular Gheerulla Valley including some steep sections from the river up and some great lookouts at the top.

2.5 km return
1 hr

Kureelpa Falls

A hidden gem in the Mapleton National Park, with water from the South Maroochy River cascading over boulders before falling 30m into a hidden gorge.

700 m return
15 mins

Linda Garrett Circuit

A very short walk dedicated to Linda Garrett, who donated lands for the benefit of the community.

14 km
4 hrs

M4 parking/Ubajee walkers camp/Gheerulla falls loop

This is pleasant walk which is part of the Sunshine Coast Great walk. To get there turn down Delicia road and proceed to the M4 parking area. From there take the Great walk trail that leads to the Ubajee Walkers camp. From the camp follow the trail down to the Gheerulla falls and then from there its simply a matter of following the track back up to Delicia road (appr 2 km) and back to the carpark via the dirt road.

1.8 km return
1 hr

Mapleton Falls & Wompoo Circuit

This walk winds through rainforest and eucalypt forest, whilst providing views of the 120m falls tumbling down the escarpment from Pencil Creek into Obi Obi Valley.

20.33 km return
3.34 hrs

Mapleton- Flaxton rtn

Part of the Sunshine Coast Great Walks

6.9 km return
2 hrs

Piccabeen Circuit

Piccabeen Circuit provides a pleasant walk through piccabeen groves, tall blackbutt forest and rainforest communities and across various creeks.