Mt Hay + Butterbox Point

Blue Mountains National Park

A moderate hike in a lesser known part of the Blue Mountains with fantastic views the whole way.

Navigation Required
Maximum Elevation

Getting there

The carpark is at the very end of Mt Hay Road which starts in Leura. It is a rough dirt road that is probably only suitable for high clearance vehicles - although if you don't really care much about your 2wd car you could probably thrash it and still make it. 


Route/Trail notes

Arriving at the carpark you will see a billboard with information about the 2 hikes - butterbox canyon and Mt Hay (you can hike to Butterbox then cut back to Mt Hay without having to walk all the way back to the carpark). The walk to Butterbox Canyon is well marked and has great views the whole way. It is mostly flat and would be suitable for just about anyone. Mt Hay is a bit steeper, and a bit less clear. As you get higher the track does tend to get a bit faint, however if you are relativelty experienced shouldn't be too difficult. The summit has no view, it's pretty much the only part of the walk in which you are deprived of a view, but the rest of the walk makes up for it!


No cost.


GPS Tracks

  • No GPS available for this walk yet.


The views on this walk were unreal, definitely worth the long dirt road drive to get here. The road was a lot rougher than I expected. Saw some people get bogged attempting to get here so would really only recommend going after a period of dry weather. I am impatient so I ignored that advice and just thrashed my Forester to the carpark. The walk out to Butterbox point was quite clear and easy, Mt Hay was a bit tougher but nothing a reasonably experienced person would have any trouble with. Saw a big long Python sitting on the side of the track when I was walking, stood with him a while so he got comfortable with me then squeezed past him to get to the summit. The summit is a pile of rocks with nothing else of any interest. Then returned to the carpark via the Python who was now stretch out across the track at head height. Really nice day out, would recommend!!

Vonsnrub on 9 Feb, 2022


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