Xiangshan, Elephant Mountain


A short hike through the mountains in Taipei that connect to neighbouring mountains. The hike is accessible by public transport and has good views of the Taipei skyline. There are temples along the way and some wildlife can be seen. It's amazing to go straight from city to mountains.

Public Transport
Maximum Elevation

Getting there

You can access the hike by taking the train to Xiangshan station and then walking to the trail head. The path is straight forward and follow signs to the lookout. You can continue the hike onwards onto the neighbouring mountains and do the four beasts hiking track. Xiangshan or Elephant Mountain is just one of the 'beasts.'



Route/Trail notes

The hike has stairs along the way and is clearly defined. There are many people who do the hike and can get quite busy. The futher you go along the trail, particularly if you continue beyond Xiangshan to the other mountains, there are less people. 

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